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On The Latest Episode of Survivor

Live from Central Park in New York City, the seven Jury votes were revealed, and Vecepia Towery, the 36-year-old office manager from Portland, Oregon, became the Sole Survivor and winner of SURVIVOR: MARQUESAS. Go to the What's New-The Latest page to get the rest of the story and find out more about the exciting season of Survivor!


39 people stranded in an isolated location. One million dollar prize. Who will be the last to survive?

Sound off on the message boards.

There are boards for Rotu, Maraambu, Tribal Council, Immunity, and much more!

The Survivor Message Board

Can you Survive?

Scorching heat. Swarming insects. Sore muscles. Thirsty.
Get your own dinner. Oven-like conditions. Pain.

Is it worth a million dollars?

get this gear!

Will you be the next to have a chance at one million dollars?
How much closer are you to becoming the next survivor?
Many people from all around the world send in their resumes for a chance to make it onto the hit show Survivor. They know their chances are very slim, but will they make it?

Will you be accepted?

SURVIVOR: Marquesas
Thursdays 8pm ET/PT

Who will win?

Who will be voted off at tribal council?


On The Next Episode of Survivor

Who will be voted off of the next episode of survivor?

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features offered here on Survivor: The Ultimate Fan Site

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